The Blog

In all the years that McDonald Garden Center has been around, houseplants have always been a priority and passion for our founder, Eddie Anderson. Houseplants are not only a fun and easy way to get started on your gardening journey, they can be amazing collectors’ items that last a lifetime - sometimes even longer.

The weather is getting cooler and the colors of the season are starting to change. It’s finally that time of year where our Green Team staff can share their fall favorites! Our staff loves to garden and because of this, we have decided to collect their favorite fall plants and products from our stores to share with you. From plants to decor and more, there is always a new fall favorite to look forward to. Maybe you will also find a new fall favorite to love! 


Since the season has changed over to fall, we are thrilled to share our fantastic set of fall events with our favorite people: our customers! Be sure to book up your calendars with these unforgettable fall events that are sure to get you in the pumpkin spice mood. 

Grillin’ in the Garden: September 25th, 2021

Pumpkins are the most iconic identifier that fall is finally here. Without these gorgeous vine-picked squashes, we wouldn’t have our beautiful fall porches, our memories of fall with family, and...just about everything pumpkin spice-related! Since there are so many ways to use pumpkins to ring in the fall season, it’s hard to remember some of their most basic origins. This includes the simple, but integral, pumpkin pie. 

Nothing says the “start of fall” like chrysanthemums (or mums for short). We start bringing these blooming perennials in our stores at the beginning of September and the entire store begins to acclimate into autumn. Not only do these amazing bloomers give fantastic fall vibes, but they are also extremely easy to decorate with, and upkeep, for years to come.