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If a stroll around your neighborhood this spring and summer and notice a pinker-than-usual palette -- don’t be too surprised. There’s a good chance that you’re witnessing the effects of “Pink Day!” Join McDonald Garden Center and Sentara, on Saturday, April 28, and help the fight against breast cancer. Visit any of the McDonald year-round or Garden Market locations and purchase from a variety of pink plants including pink Geraniums, Petunias, Azaleas and Knockout Roses and 15% of the proceeds will support breast cancer research and prevention.

Landscaping with water-wise plants, often referred to as Xeriscaping, is a great way to recognize Earth Day. Water-wise plants are adapted to local conditions and generally grow better. They also require less maintenance and ~ of course use less water! There are a wide variety of colorful, fragrant and beautiful plants that fit this description and most have long blooming seasons. By selecting plants that will thrive in dry conditions, you can save on your water bills – and help the environment, too. Here’s some of our top choices:


You don’t have to be a member of the Royal Family to have the precious gem in your garden. Gardenia ‘Crown Jewel’ offers many of the sought-after traits of it’s parents; the double-bloom and cold hardiness of ‘Chuck Hayes’ and the heavy bloom set of and prolific flowering of ‘Kleim’s Hardy'. Featuring medium-sized, double fragrant blooms and bright green foliage that blooms in early summer, this compact Gardenia reigns supreme over other varieties with improved cold-hardiness. Crown Jewel makes an excellent container plant or small foundation shrub.