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Gomphrena is beautiful and long lasting either fresh or dried... and best of all, this annual thrives in heat and any soil conditions. What could be better than that? We think nothing!

When thinking of things to do in your garden in June you typically think about coneflowers, daylilies, coreopsis, hostas... and pumpkins. Yes, we did say pumpkins! Planting pumpkins in June is a great idea with the harvest timed just right for decorating for the holidays ahead. So, for any of you that enjoy a fun family tradition of carving pumpkins together, or if you like to have decorative pumpkins on display for Thanksgiving, take note. Now's the time to get those pumpkins & gourds in the ground!

Most of us wait all year for that first bite into a juicy peach, just one more reason we adore summer! If you love these juicy gems, we suggest growing your own. Peaches out of your own garden always taste the best. Here are some expert tips to get you started in the peach world:


Here it is... June 18th and you may be worried you haven't planted your tomatoes in the garden yet. Don't worry, it’s not too late to get a juicy summer harvest. So, relax, take a deep breath and plant away. For those of you who have planted tomatoes, now's the time to pop in a second crop to extend the harvesting season. Unlike the first planting, it is essential to get the second crop of tomatoes in before the end of July in order to harvest all the fruit before cold weather sets in come fall.